Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

INRIA International Partners

Cooperation with Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Norte, Brazil

VeriDis has a close working relationship with a team at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Norte (UFRN), Brazil, and more particularly with Prof. Anamaria Martins Moreira and Prof. David Déharbe. Two long exchanges took place in 2011. Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo visited UFRN for one month in March, and David Déharbe visited VeriDis from June 20 to July 20 as an INRIA invited researcher. The project is centered around the development and applications of the veriT solver (section  5.1 ), of which David Déharbe and Pascal Fontaine are the main developers. Diego Caminha was previously a student at UFRN and prepared his PhD thesis with the VeriDis team. Our cooperation is also supported by the INRIA-CNPq project SMT-SAVeS from 2010 throughout 2012.

Cooperation with Tiaret University

Mostapha Belardi (Université Ibn Khaldoun de Tiaret), Camel Tanougast (Univ. Paul Verlaine, Metz), Dominique Méry and Stephan Merz have started a joint project entitled CIPRONoC : Conception Incrémentale Prouvée pour pROtotypage rapide de NoC Tolérant aux Fautes à base de technologie FPGA. The project is sponsored by the STIC Algérie program.

Visits of International Scientists

INRIA Internship program

Hernán Ponce de Leon (from April 2011 until August 2011)

  • Subject: Formally Verified Automata Construction for Real Linear Equations

  • Institution: Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)

Invited scientists

David Déharbe from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Norte, Brazil, visited VeriDis from June 20 to July 20 as an INRIA invited researcher. The work resulted in several improvements of the veriT solver and contributed to its integration within the toolsets for the B and TLA+ methods.